About Us

Comp Bind Technology started as an idea to experiment within the cover equipment industry. The products in this industry are very niche and are products that can be sold online to EVERYONE, regardless of age, race or religion. Another factor was that it should be environmentally-friendly and protect the digital devices that we use literally every day for work and play from the elements of dust, water, bugs and other materials. This is when Compbindtech was born.
Items like your Printer, Computer Monitor, TV and Air Conditioner are affected every day by these elements. Thats when Comp Bind Tech comes in. We sell the world's finest dust, waterproof and anti-static covers on the market. We're the perfect product for those long storage days, office moves, or just to keep your beloved electronic devices clean and away from the harsh daily elements. Take a look around our site and see why small business owners, large companies schools and so many countless individuals around the globe use our products. Simple? Yes, but incredibly effective in every way. Order your dust cover today with Comp Bind Tech.
The Best Place To Shop For Covers Of All Types

Dust Covers For Monitors, TV's and Printers
Dust Covers serve the simple, but very effective way of preserving your electronic devices from the elements of dust. They're also available in waterproof and anti-static materials too, so be sure to browse around and take a look.

Large Assortment of Colors To Choose From
Whether shopping for a dust cover in Black, Blue, Clear Vinyl, Petroleum Blue or other colors, we're sure to have a color that matches your device perfectly.

No Device is Too Big
Whatever size your Monitor, Printer or TV is, we are sure to have it in our extensive collection of dust covers. We still haven't met a size we couldn't fill yet!